Für erfahrene agile Lehrkräfte, eduScrum Cert. Practitioner & eduScrum Cert. Trainer

In der Community rund um die Mai-Alm gibt es zahlreiche Engagierte agile Lernende & Lehrende, die über die Community of Practice hinaus intensiv an verschiedensten Fragen rund um den agilen Lernalltag arbeiten. Die nachfolgenden Veranstaltungen bieten entsprechende Weiterbildungs- und Austauschmöglichkeiten mit Blick auf den deutschsprachrigen Raum sowie unsere internationale Gemeinschaft. 

Für Agile Lehrkräfte in allen Schulformen & Bildungsebenen

Die Mai-Alm versteht sich als ein Ort, der eng mit der internationalen eduScrum Community koopiert und gleichzeit die Türen stets öffnet für die vielfältigen Entwicklung im Bereich agilen Lernens. eduScrum ist für uns ein essentielles Tool, um die Lernform "Liszy" an unserem Gymnasium umzusetzen. Es benötigt stets Austausch und Inspiration über das eigentliche Rahmenwerk hinaus, um nachhaltig, erfolgreich wirken zu können.

Sie sind an ersten Schritten interessiert mit engagierten Agilen Lehrkräften der Mai-Alm und eduScrum Community in Kontakt zu kommen? Mehr Infos zu Online-Meetings sowie Hospitationsmöglichkeiten finden Sie  hier...

For eduScrum Cert. Practioners worldwide

As eduScrum Community we like to meet up and learn with different kinds of like-minded people from all over the world in various fields of education and co-creation. eduScrum Certified Trainers learn together with eduScrum Certified Students, Explorers and Practitioners. We think about gaining further insights about learning or developing further aspects of agile learning. 

Currently we are working e.g. at the topics:

- Mutou Flow Game

- Playground for Education

For more info join our eduScrum Welcome Tea Sessions or get in touch with us via info@eduscrum.nl

For eduScrum Cert. Trainers all around the world

eduScrum Trainer Ausbildung

“Make the rule and co-create with other masters.” (RI) describes this eduScrum Shu Ha Ri Learning path stage best. It focuses the learning about how to train and accompany the teachers and facilitators of agile learning and teaching inspired by eduScrum.

This beautiful learning area is one impressive result of the close and engaged work of hundreds of passionate learners and educators from all over the world. We are really proud and grateful for what the community of eduScrum Certified trainers, friends and supporters have realized within just one decade of eduScrum! THANK YOU!

– eduScrum Certified Practitioner – Definition of Doing needed for entering this ‘eduScrum Ri Mastering’ stage
– Certification: eduScrum Certified Trainer – Definition of Purpose
– Next possible steps: entering all eduScrum Shu Ha Ri learning stages and Art2BeAgile sessions as a learner or trainer

For more info join our eduScrum Welcome Tea Sessions or get in touch with us via info@eduscrum.nl


Trainer Session online (monatlich)

"Make the rule and co-create with other masters." (RI) describes this eduScrum Shu Ha Ri Learning path stage best. It focuses the learning about how to train and accompany the teachers and facilitators of agile learning and teaching inspired by eduScrum.

The eduScrum Ri Trainer sessions are one impressive result of the close and engaged work of hundreds of passionate learners and educators from all over the world. We are really proud and grateful for what the community of eduScrum Certified trainers, friends and supporters have realized within just one decade of eduScrum! THANK YOU!

Registration & access by personal invitation


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